Texas’s favorite summer destination transformed into a winter paradise by record breaking low temperatures this past week. On Tuesday, January 21st Galveston reached up to 3 inches of snow, the first major snowfall in over a decade for the island. With highways, schools, and businesses all closed for the next two days, Galveston became an idyllic playground for all ages to enjoy the snow.

Families flocked to the San Luis Resort, Galveston’s Seawall Beach, and the causeway to turn these deserted roads and hills into perfect makeshift sledding areas. From plastic container lids, surfboards, boogieboards, and wheel-less skateboards, anything could be turned into a snowboard for Galvestonians, and Galvestonians did transform everyday objects into magical vehicles. Parents could be seen everywhere dragging their kids along to enjoy the crisp frigid air before we were thrust back into the high 70s. Everyone would agree this snow day was one for the record books.