It seems teenagers’ obsessions get worse than the previous generations. This time the parents’ concerns circle around one major topic: criminals.
With various forms of media willing to glorify their horrifying actions, not only are criminals more publicized today, but they also seem to be winning over the hearts of teenagers all over the globe.
The idea of romanticizing criminals has been with us throughout history. As new documentaries and movies came out surrounding notorious killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer, Ted Bundy, and more, teens all around the world began to watch in awe.
Many teens developed obsessions with certain killers because the media glorified the criminals’ actions through film. Many teens saved videos on social media about them and posted on their own social media platforms regarding their attraction to the same criminals rotting in prison for killing people. This leads many to wonder “what does this say about our modern society?”
The answer to this question, to me, is “morally bankrupt”, which perfectly describes the world today. Despite the media’s positive spin, it hurts the victims’ families, and everyone involved in the crimes, as well as leading young people to believe it’s okay to disregard the feelings of others because of this attraction. This erases the voices of the victims and their families and causes more pain.
It is important to remember that teens obsessed over criminals in the 80s with some teens going as far as to write love letters to Ted Bundy, who was sitting on death row for the deaths of dozens of young women.
The media, through movies and documentaries, portrayed many horrendous killers in a better light and, in most cases, as the actual victims. This leads the teens to believe their attraction to these criminals is also justified and normal.
Teenagers attracted to notorious killers have evolved into a modern epidemic all over the world. This conveys the true detrimental state of today’s world and demands a huge wakeup call. These disgusting obsessions popping up in many teens’ lives go against every decent moral in the book and, clearly, must be stopped before it’s too late.