Major Mark Knight, commander of the Ball High JROTC program, explained the history of his program’s blood drive.
“December 11, 2024, marks our 4th Annual JROTC MD Anderson Cancer Center Blood Drive! We attempted to do this last semester, but it was on this donation day that the workers struck a gas line across the street, and we had to be temporarily evacuated from the front of the school.
“So, we are back at it. In the northern part of the JROTC hallway stands a plaque that is a testament to the number of patients we have helped over the past four years. (Feel free to get a photo of that plaque). This year we are hoping to break our record for giving blood. Yesterday, the last donation appointment was signed-up for. But folks, students, and employees can still “Walk-in” to give today, till around 1:45pm. A neat fact also is, you’ll learn from giving, what your Blood Type is.
“It’s our goal to give more blood today than we have ever given. In speaking with Mrs. Tapani, she told me that she tries to make it a point to give, after losing her mom to cancer. She said that eating and drinking prior to donating helps. Personally, I gave it once to my high school senior year. And not until being deployed in combat to Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan did, I give again. Both times It made me proud of my helpful contribution and a little thankful that I could overcome some of my fears.”