Come join the Ball High chess club and meet our chemistry teacher, Mr. Peter Zercher, who started teaching at Ball High just three years ago.
Mr. Zercher has had a passion for chess since he was ten years old, now 56, he says he loves teaching the complex game. What he enjoys about running the club is the social aspect of gathering and just having fun.
The club has 52 players and is open to everyone, pros, and beginners. Meetings are every Tuesday in the library from 3:15 to 5:15. Though he does not participate in tournaments, he teaches all strategies and wants everyone to just have fun.
Not only is Zercher fun at chess, but he is a great teacher, always enthusiastic when he delves into the deeper meaning of existence. He always helps to explain things in the easiest ways and never refuses to help a student who does not understand the curriculum.
Mr. Zercher was not always interested in chemistry. His first major in college was business and he minored in earth science (oceanography).
After school on his free days, when he is not playing one on one chess, he likes to experiment and test out lasers. Mr. Zercher is a great teacher and mentor, and a joy to be around.